Are Computers Composers?
Emily Howell, a computer program created to compose contemporary classical music has been given full status as a composer by “her” creator. However, there has been much controversy surrounding whether or not her compositions are really music, and whether or not they should be performed.
Check out the article:
While many interesting issues are raised in this article I want to focus in on one in particular mentioned near the end of this abstract: the input of the human element. Is Emily Howell really the composer? What about her creator, David Cope – what role does he play in Emily’s supposed “technically unique” compositions?
It seems to me that David Cope’s, as well as Emily Howell’s critics and supporters are missing one crucial element. Without the expertise, education, thought, etc., of David Cope, there would be no compositions by Emily Howell, nor would there be an Emily Howell. It’s important to realize that Emily Howell is not a living being. She may have a name, but she is the creation of David Cope, with no mind or reasoning power of her own. She does what he tells her or has programmed her to do and nothing more.
And what about the musicians who perform Emily Howell’s music? As the article states, many large orchestras and well known individuals have refused to play her music. It is not my goal to comment on whether or not I agree with that stance; rather, I would like to raise the question, does Emily Howell make the music, or do the performers? In my opinion people need to realize that there are two components to live music: the music itself and the performance of that music. While the two are mutually endowed to each other, they are also distinct from one another.
In summary, I think David Cope would do better promoting himself as the composer, with a clear focus on the computer program he has created as his tool in composition. It is the mind and creative nature of Mr. Cope that has allowed this medium to exist. I think it is also important to recognize that the realization of any composition is the mind and creative nature of the performer(s). One needs the other. They walk in tandem.
Emily Williams is the creator of Strategic Strings: An Online Course for Violin and Viola Teachers
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