Archive for November, 2009

Picking a Violin Bow

I was at The Loft Violin Shop yesterday in Columbus OH buying a new shoulder rest and getting the grip replaced on my bow. While I waited for my bow I was hanging out in the lobby entertaining myself by watching all the different customers that came into the shop. A conversation between one of the salesmen […]

What Can We Expect from College Music Grads?

The answer to this question is – It all depends, “Depends on what,” you might ask? Well, it largely depends on the school from which you graduate, the degree requirements, your particular major, etc. This is normal and to be expected. We are also all different people with different skill sets. Universities do not put out little […]

Are Computers Composers?

Emily Howell, a computer program created to compose contemporary classical music has been given full status as a composer by “her” creator. However, there has been much controversy surrounding whether or not her compositions are really music, and whether or not they should be performed. Check out the article: While many interesting issues are raised in […]

An Introduction to My Blog!

Since completing my MM degree in Violin Performance from the University of Akron and marrying my husband, Benjamin Williams, who will be finishing his DMA degree in Music Composition this spring,  I am frequently faced with difficult questions concerning the state of music, education and related topics in today’s world.  At the urging of my husband I […]