Archive for the "Music Lessons" Category

Experiencing the Suzuki Method: A Guide to Help Answer your Questions about this Extremely Popular Method—And Why I Don’t Teach It

This blog entry contains the material of a bulletin I made to have available in my studio. Because of this, the material is short and concise. I would be happy to write more on the subject should I get enough interest! First of all I would like to clarify 2 things: Many of my colleagues […]

Music Lessons—Too High a Cost???

Recently I came across several discussions commenting on the high cost of music lessons and whether or not they are worth it. The benefits of music lessons have documented benefits physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, so the worth of music should not be in question. However, understandably (especially in today’s US economy) some are unable to […]

Picking A Teacher

As I plan on leaving my current students to move to Mississippi with my husband, I have been taking the time to compile a list of teachers to help my students find a new instructor. This is a difficult time for me as I will miss my students and wish I could continue with them. I know […]

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